One of our brilliant Performance Media Directors, Rhys Westwell, at Performics at Zenith UK, shares his thoughts on Instagrams new feature and the implications for the media industry.
“This could potentially be a really lucrative development for Instagram if usage grows in a similar way to IG Stories. Based on its initial functionality, it looks to be a competitor to YouTube’s mobile app and it’s USP is the fact it’s completely designed for mobile video consumption. This will be sure to interest mobile video watchers & Instagram want to capitalise on the enormous increase in mobile video consumption over the past few years.
Based on historical trends, it’s likely IGTV will become a new placement to target and extend reach of campaigns (much like audience network & IG Stories) when it becomes monetised. There may also be the options for un-skippable in-stream ads so it could become a key part of the media plan if an advertiser want to ensure video completion rates.”